Lombard Area - St. Pius X [MAP] - 1st Saturday - After 8:30am Mass in Martha Room Winfield Area Ultreya - St. John the Baptist [MAP] - 2nd Saturday - After 9am Rosary in Chapel Joliet Area Ultreya - St. Francis Xavier [MAP] - 3rd Wednesday - Following 6:30 PM Mass in the lower level at St. Francis Xavier Roselle Ultreya - St. Walters [MAP] - 3rd Saturday - After 8:30am Mass in St. Francis Hall Naperville / Bolingbrook Ultreya - St. Elizabeth Seton [MAP] - 4th Monday - Prayer at 7pm in Worship Space - Grouping & Ultreya at 7:30pm in lower level Darien Ultreya - Our Lady of Peace [MAP] - 4th Saturday - After 7:30am Mass |