"...the Cursillo method aims at helping to transform in a Christian way the milieus
    where people live and work through the involvement of 'new men and goal of the
    three-day 'little course' on Christianity, in which a team of priests and lay people,
    supported by the prayer and sacrifices of the movement's other especially 'living'
    way. When presented in this way, the message of Christ almost always opens
    participants in a Cursillo to the gift of conversion and to a the Church. They feel
    called to be the prophetic 'leaven' which is kneaded into the dough so that the
    whole mass will rise (Mt 13: 33), to be the 'salt of the earth' and the 'light of the
    world' (Mt 5: 13-14), to proclaim to everyone they meet that only in Jesus Christ is
    there salvation (Acts 4: 12), and that it is 'only in the mystery of the Word
    made flesh that the mystery of man truly becomes clear'"
    (Gaudium et spes, n. 22).

    Full Text of St. JohnPaul II address -->  text

    -Excerpted from Pope John Paul II's Address to the Cursillos de Christiandad
    Movement, Saturday, July 29, 2000


    "The little seed sown in Spain more than 50 years ago has become a great tree
    rich in fruits of the Spirit.  Be courageous witnesses of the ´deaconry of truth´
    and act with the ´force of communion.’ Fix one´s gaze on the face of Christ,
    trust in the primacy of grace to undertake a journey of catechesis and prayer, of
    conversion and holiness of life, [whose fruits will be] a solid sense of belonging
    to the Church and a renewed impetus for evangelization in the realms of daily
    life and activity.

    "Dear Cursillistas! Follow confidently the way of formation and Christian life
    that you have undertaken with so much generosity. 'Duc in Altum! [Go into the

    -Pope John Paul II, Vatican City, May 6, 2002
    Excerpted from the letter of June 13, 2011 to the Cursillistas of Buenos Aires from then
    Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio SJ, Archbishop of Buenos Aires (Pope Francis):

    "Being pilgrims in our City means not to be sedentary, but open to life and to
    pay attention to what is happening in our heart like a Good Samaritan seeing the
    harshness of life for so many of our brethren.  It is necessary that the Cursillo
    Movement, through the participation of all, continue its path of pastoral

    When In Rome in 1966, Pope Paul VI had the opportunity to address the Cursillo
    Movement. Among his words of encouragement were the following:

    "Cursillo's de Cristiandad, that is the word, purified through experience, affirmed
    by its fruits, that today travels with citizenship papers throughout the world...

    "Whether some methods become obsolete, whether new manifestations of the
    Spirit arise, the permanent task of the layman will continue to be the infusion of
    Christianity into life through the encounter and personal friendship with God and
    in communion with his brothers. The layman, upon forming himself in
    Christianity, reforms his mentality and conforms his life to Christ's image by
    means of faith, hope and charity; acting with complete responsibility he transforms
    the temporal structures in which he is immersed, guided in his action by the glance
    of Christ he continually tries to remake the world according to God's plan and

    "We know that in your plan of spirituality and apostolate in the Cursillo Movement
    the 'Sensus Ecclesiae' (mind of the Church) is the guiding light that orients you...

    "Beloved sons and daughters: Our soul is so oppressed by the vision of the evils
    which afflict the Church and mankind. But permit us to express our overwhelming
    joy that, at this moment, floods our soul before the immense chorus of your manly
    faith in Christ, your fidelity to the Church, your fervent loyalty to this Chair of
    Peter and to the ministry of the episcopal hierarchy. "Cursillo's de Cristiandad!
    Christ, the Church, the Pope, are counting on you!"
    From Pope Paul VI:
Joliet Cursillo ~ P.O. Box 4247 ~ Lisle, IL 60532

    "When I first came to the Diocese of Joliet in 2006, I was pleased to learn that
    there is an active Cursillo Movement here. I personally have been involved with
    Cursillo for almost thirty years. I was encouraged to participate by many
    parishioners, and after I made the three-day weekend, I eventually became
    Spiritual Director of the Cursillo evangelization within the Church, as it renews

    From Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle:

    "The Cursillo was born of a desire to help those already baptized experience
    anew the living Christ. They have incorporated their members into the Church's
    introduce our friends who do not yet know Him. The Cursillo movement is a
    great blessing for the Church and keeps all Catholics aware of the reason that
    Christ founded the Church."
    From Cardinal Francis George of Chicago:
    From St. JohnPaul II
Joliet Cursillo
"Go into the
whole world
and proclaim
the good news
to all creation"
(Mk 16:15)